Journalling Prompts for Maintaining Good Wellbeing Habits

Now that we’re nearing the halfway point of the year, I’ve been doing the obligatory life rumination and mid-year reset. Like I’ve mentioned a few times, despite all the good so far in 2024, I’ve really been beating myself up for not getting anywhere with my other goals. Plenty of crisis chats with my friends and family have semi-reassured me that I’m doing the best that I can and what I’ve achieved is already enough, but it’s harder to fully convince your brain fully, isn’t it?

With that in mind, I’m focusing my self-care habits on my mental and physical wellbeing lately. If I can’t change my circumstances or environment, I can at least look after myself. Rather than taking the autobiographical approach – which I talked about on Substack recently – or preserving memories, I’m writing to maintain good wellbeing habits and train my brain to love my life a little more.

Here are some of the prompts I’m using (and, surprisingly, enjoying):

  1. What are the non-negotiable elements of my dream at-home day?
  2. What is one thing that I can rely on to make myself feel good?
  3. Downtime, to me, means _____.
  4. When I (insert wellbeing practice), it makes me feel _____.
  5. What are some ways that I can be more compassionate to myself?
  6. This week, I’ll reconnect with the world around me by doing these three things outdoors.
  7. Something that makes me feel safe and cosy is _____. I’ll prioritise that, this week, by _____.

How does journalling, or writing, help with your wellbeing habits and routine?

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