Everything I Know About Love

I’m your typical soft Pisces girl – a dreamer and romantic that absolutely believes that love triumphs above everything. In hindsight, this trait is quite likely the one that has grounded almost all of my life decisions and steered me on my course. I will always believe in love.

One conversation with me – online or offline – is all it’ll take you to be convinced that, right now, I’m a human ridiculously happily in love. Feels strange reading that, right? It’s even stranger to write it.

‘Love’ is one of those words that we throw about all too easily. Like how it feels to sink into bed after a long day. Like how feels to open the door to surprise flowers. Like how it feels on Christmas Eve. Like how it feels when your Mum drops off your favourite home-baked snack. But, for me. I have always believed in love to have that golden, elusive feeling. Love is all of this – just even greater.

In my twenties, it was disappointing to learn during my twenties that not everybody views love in the same way…

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