Sundaze 72

So, a week back in the daily grind and hasn’t it been a week? From engaging in conversations surrounding the Aziz Ansari story to making client bookings like there’s no tomorrow and everything in-between, I almost forgot to prepare this post(!!) Almost. This week has been full of everything and nothing all at once, I’ve gymmed hard and can barely get down the stairs, felt positive towards my work week for once and generally felt as though I’m doing okay at life. There’s a first for everything 😉

I’m also over the moon to share that as of our next edition (dropping on the 31st), I’ll be working in partnership with a sponsor to bring you exclusive offers! How about that? To get involved, sign up here and you’ll receive this week’s newsletter at 9pm GMT, as well as our forthcoming editions.
I met Lily!!
The highlight of my week was definitely getting to meet and hang out with Lily from Pint Sized Beauty for the first time! Although I regularly hang out with bloggers all the time, I’ve not yet met any super local bloggers so it was great to drive a short way and be able to have a coffee and some cake and wile two hours away(!!) nattering about blogging, pink products and of tales from our area. She is absolutely adorable in real life and we’ve already made a note to meet up more often and work together when we can. Visit her frankly amazing blog here and prepare yourself to swoon at her beautiful photography.
Starting BodyBalance classes
After weeks and weeks of good intentions but awful timing (I’ve been booked by a long-term client every Tuesday since I joined the gym), I finally managed to get myself to a BodyBalance class. They’re somewhat of a rarity in my town with the only class available in my gym membership, plus Rosie has been talking about them forever, so I was excited to get to grips with it. And I love it! It’s a body conditioning/holistic class that combines yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi elements with a ‘flow’ and strength focus, and it’s all set to music. I absolutely loved the class and can’t wait to head back! Never have I felt less clicky!

A business update!
I’ve been really inspired to push towards my professional goals this year after a quiet 2017. Not to say that business was quiet, I just felt as though I was going through the motions and simply surviving as opposed to pushing myself to offer more and try new avenues. I needed 2017 to be quiet and routine-like, but I’m so excited by what’s currently mapped out in my notebook of secrets. Watch this space. Oh, and whilst I’m here, please do visit my revamped website too. If you’re ever in need of a copywriter, editor or proof-reader, hit me up!
Glossier Solution
Without a second thought, I clicked ‘check out’ on Glossier’s newest product launch Solution earlier this week. The packaging looks incredible, and the product sounds right up my street. I’ve struggled to find an awesome cruelty-free exfoliator and I’m really hoping this one ticks all of the right boxes for me. In a similar vein, I’ve been researching into CF Asian beauty brands and the research material is just an absolute minefield: aside from Cruelty Free Kitty, does anybody have any comprehensive websites to recommend?
– Michelle x
Links I’ve Loved:
- Liv continues to be one of the most adorable humans to exist and in this video, she talks candidly about her goals for the year and introduces us to a few books to see us through 2018. Ultimate girl crush.
- Hot on the heels of the Aziz Ansari saga, Susie Lau wrote an excellent think-piece surrounding the sexual assault cases that run rampant in the fashion industry.
- This vegan aubergine stew recipe sounds like the ultimate comfort food amidst the chill in the UK right now.
- Not only is this post by Victoria on Inthefrow filled with breathtaking imagery, it highlights the climate and environmental issues that our beloved globe faces at the moment. Her tips demonstrate how we can all make small changes to help protect the planet.
- Sarah’s travel photos from 2017 are just stunning and they’ve meant my travel bucket list got just a little bit longer…
- Lizzie’s blog is new to me but I’ve already fallen in love with it: start with this post entitled ‘The Art of Letting Go’.
- If you’re trying to make better decisions regarding your finances, Kristabel’s post from Friday is a must-read.
- Finally, Lily’s post on making friends in your twenties was an insightful post that definitely helped to quell some of my anxieties surrounding expanding my social circle ‘later in life’.