Things about Hong Kong

Capturing the little things about { H O N G K O N G }.

Warm sunlight creeping through iron-framed windows in the morning · Incessant ticking of traffic light crossings day in and day out · Chasing sunsets at the edges of the island · Watching smog breeze through the skyscrapers · Finding peace in rare quiet areas of the city · Waiting for the traffic lights to turn to the green man before crossing, like a good girl (jaywalking is illegal) · Yum cha weekends · Checking humidity levels and deciding to go for a hike, because why not? · Carrying scarves to wear indoors · Grabbing your favourite snacks from street vendors not knowing when they’ll be there again · Having to mentally prepare yourself for the (literal not metaphorical) rollercoaster that is a minibus ride · 20p ferry rides, always · Ears popping as you ride inexplicably fast lifts/elevators to the top of a skyscraper · Realising the escalator situation in Times Square is quite akin to the moving staircases in Hogwarts · The best foodie places and independent boutiques are never on the ground floor, FYI · Finding yourself shouting at the market lady to get your fresh fruit. Normal, not rude.

Admiralty MTR at 7pm, LOL · When nobody can tell the difference between a British, Canadian or Australian accent so you just go along with it and become an honorary Canadian (I sound like this, by the way!) · The way adorable grannies all wear purple like it’s a secret club or something · That egg custard tart place on Hollywood Road · Tai O – your essential must visit place! · Everybody’s school uniforms being straight outta an anime · Never being alone because the city is loud af even at 4am · How teeny tiny everything can be to adapt for small spaces · When Mong Kok is annoyingly the hub of all good street food but also the most crowded place in all the land · Wandering around Kowloon Park in the late afternoon, wondering what Kowloon Walled City could’ve been like · The chaotic perfection of the overflowing markets, busy from dawn ’til dusk · Perfect balance between old and new, Eastern and Western; two worlds in harmony · Familiar wafts of tradition making themselves known in an increasingly modern world.

I’ve just landed home in England to begin another new chapter. And, you know what? Hong Kong, I already miss you.

With contributions from Isobel at Isobel Rose.

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