Sundaze 135
I bloody love autumn. Love. It. And, I suppose, so does everybody else. It feels like a welcome hug after a wildly blistering summer and like a chance to slow alllll the way down and get back to things with intention. That’s what this week has felt like; slowing things down and getting back to my favoured pace. I’ve had, once again, back-to-back clients but I’m finally doing something about it, I’ve cooked delicious meals (all courtesy of Cupful of Kale!), I’ve worked out, I’ve had a date night with Harvey, and I’ve read lots. It feels so good.
How have you been welcoming in the new season?
A welcome change in pace
Like I mentioned, this change in pace is so, so welcome. I’ve spent most of the year feeling like time is running away and as though nothing I do feels meaningful. But amidst all of the floundering, I’ve found time recently to knuckle down on my goals and recentre myself a little. I realise this all sounds annoyingly vague, but how can I share more when I don’t seem to know it myself?
Something that always presses on my mind is with the phenomenal rise and success of blogs and Instagram, how new audiences to the online platforms might feel as though user-generated content is for gospel. I worry constantly that the hoards of young people consuming social media content take things at face value, whereas I feel a slightly older demographic are more likely to do further reading from books and magazines. That’s not to tar all young people with the same brush, I’m just voicing some ongoing concerns I have with the industry.
>> Revisit the post: ‘My Responsibility As A Content Creator’.
An autumn switch-a-roo
After about 7 weeks, ya girl got paid an invoice!! Which means I can finally fill in the gaps of my autumn/winter wardrobe. Although I’ve been totally on it with a more sustainable wardrobe, I did sell a few jumpers last year that didn’t fit me as well I’d hoped or that I simply don’t fit into anymore. So, I’ve been busy topping up the AW19 collective with this jumper, my first ever Everlane jeans, some fancy socks, these jeans and some hair clips. I’m sorely tempted by this delightful H&M coat as seen on Emma Hill.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
I FINISHED READING ‘THE SECRET HISTORY’! It feels absolutely monumental to have finished reading it, and I’m a little morose now that it’s all over. After completing the book? I get it. I get the hype, the mystery that clouds the novel, and why it never leaves people that’ve read it. As much as I’d love to share a full review, I’m still untangling my thoughts about it all. But it’s up there amongst my all-time favourite, let’s just leave it at that.
>> Follow me on Goodreads!
Links I’ve Loved
- Japan is high on everybody’s travel bucket list and as I never blogged about either of my trips, this one by Lizzie Bee is a must-read.
- Continuing the travel theme, Jaye shared a post about 24 hours in Bruges, and now I simply must visit this fairytale city.
- These are the best vegan and vegetarian food tours in Europe.
- Some notes on friendship.
- As a forever-advocate of blogging and long-form content, I loved this post from Rebecca about why she’s continuing to put her eggs in the blogging basket.
- I’m SO proud of my girl Ella who’s only gone and bloody illustrated a BOOK!!
Posts This Week
Let’s catch up; tell me something about your week. How are you finding these deliciously crisp first-days-of-autumn?