Sundaze 173

My oh my. When I say that I feel like I’ve lived a thousand years this week, I mean it. 2020 has dealt us all multiple bad cards, and us Chai’s had our fair share this week with a dog attack and all the aftermath that comes with it.

Given I’m currently halfway through a social media break, it genuinely didn’t cross my mind to update ~the Internet~ about what happened, but then I realised that we’re friends and I know so many of you are invested in my adorable pup and so many other facets of my life! (It always blows my mind, for these Sundaze posts always remind me just how nonsensical and mundane my days can be…!) On the note of my social media break; I’m enjoying it! Completely stepping back has helped me to fully enjoy my life for me and not for others, even if I hadn’t noticed I was doing that before. I started posting on my Instagram again, just when I fancy it, and it’s nice to dip my toe back in the waters, but I’ve definitely learned a lot of lessons.

More on that in a few weeks.

A little Milo update…

On Monday, I received the most gut-wrenching phone-call from my sister whilst I was working (from home). She, and our dog Milo, had been attacked and bitten by an unleashed dog whilst out on their walk. Needless to say, it’s been a really traumatic week for us all, but lil man Milo is safely home with a few fractured ribs and several weeks of antibiotics. It isn’t quite the summer of fun we had planned, but we couldn’t be more relieved that nothing more sinister happened. Here’s to his speedy recovery and more carefree, relaxed weeks…

Folklore by Taylor Swift

Of course our girl Taylor dropped an album whilst we were all hanging out and chilling on a Thursday afternoon. After a pretty grim few months, I was beside myself all evening, hastily preordering my copy of the album (I collect the physical copies and have done for over 10 years!) and The Cardigan. Guys, I’m besotted with the album. I’m an avid supporter of everything that Taylor does, but I was thrilled with Lover signalling a return to her roots, and Folklore is everything that I could’ve dreamed of. All of those cosy, magical, mythical moments packaged into a masterpiece of an album; it’s the album I wished she’d release straight after Red. If you’re new(ish) around here, I’m a huge Taylor Swift fan and used to write a Taylor Swift blog series whilst I was a fashion blogger, and I’ve a few odes to her on these pages (read them here and here). Which is your favourite song so far? Mine are Cardigan, August, Invisible String and Illicit Affairs!

Reading, Watching, Listening

I finally got stuck into Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche this week after starting it earlier in the month and I’m obsessed. Adiche’s writing is fluid and prosaic, and the plot is wonderfully shaped so far. I’m hoping to put aside a few hours tonight to get stuck in and plough through more chapters alongside a Folklore listening session! I’m also continuing to read The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt which is smartly indulgent and oh so magical to read, however it isn’t quite to The Secret History level; at least not for me. Aside from my beloved books, I’m also watching Dinner Mate, a K-drama that features my gal Son Naeun. I missed a few episodes because life has been rightly crazy, but spent the weekend catching up. It’s so good!!

Links I’ve Loved

  1. I’m 100% going through the ebbs and flow of a crisis at the moment. Is it a quarter-life crisis or a comparison trap? I’m still unsure, but this post on The Everygirl was illuminating.
  2. This review of Nasty Women on Susan Etc. was a great read, and in turn makes me want to pick it up!
  3. Things I Want From Books via A Cup of Jo
  4. I really appreciated and resonated with this feature on The Everygirl about the things [the writer] learned from their immigrant parents.
  5. Diary at 6 via Brunch at Audrey’s
  6. Totally making this Chocolate Chip Granola later!!
  7. This post about learning to ‘stand still’ was really powerful to me, especially after a few months of doing just that.
  8. Lockdown, at least its original variation, is over in the UK; Sophie shares the lockdown routines that she wants to hold onto.
  9. The incredible Ellie shared the things she learned after deleting social media.
  10. And lastly, go and follow me on my Animal Crossing Instagram!! @acnh_moonacre

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