What 2020 Has Taught Me About Living in the Moment

Us bloggers get a bad reputation for chasing the future and pre-empting trends and occasions. Of course as this community blossomed into an industry of its own, we all began to anticipate what our readers might enjoy next. Planning well-thought out posts that correlated with holidays, selecting products and campaigns that we think our audience will adore…

For me, this meant that at least some of the magic of blogging was lost. The additional layer and thought process stripped back the realness, in its place a more curated edit, which we all know and love.

Heck even I’m guilty of that.

2020 has been a storm of all elements. From weeks spent in loungewear to actually craving awkward small talk with hairdressers, the pandemic has flipped everything we thought we knew on its head. Plans were cancelled, work routines were instantly switched up, and in its wake are millions of people continuing to feel incredibly displaced. And I’m one of them.

I’d say that I’m in the middle between someone that lives in the moment and plans meticulously. You’ll rarely find me without my bullet journal in hand, for instance, but I also find joy in embracing the now. Those happy coincidences that you could’ve never foreseen. And still, 2020 has taught me a lot about swaying more towards living in the moment.

Make a to-do list and keep it beside you. Walk away from it and see what else the has to offer. For nothing is set in stone. Got plans to see the girls for lunch? Group numbers are limited. Want to pop out to see which books have hit the shelf? Better hope you remembered your face mask.

‘In the moment’ is a fleeting period to grab hold of. It’s the only thing promised to us. As much as I like to be fully in control of my days, how I spend them and where I choose to use my energies, embracing the now has been inspiring. There’s so much to be found that’s wholly unplanned. Whilst we could’ve never foreseen the pandemic, we also couldn’t foresee the kindness dished out by strangers, the spirit between communities and the resilience across the globe.

Here’s to living in the moment.

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