Open-hearted joys 開開心心 10

After my ‘personal news’ announcement a few weeks ago, life has felt like a real rollercoaster. The days slip by so quickly! I’ve been quietly working away on securing work from August onwards, scheduling in one or two friendship dates here and there, but mostly soaking up some rest. Things feel really good at the moment and there is SO much to be grateful for, despite the wildings of the UK lately.

There’s a lot to be said for appreciating the smaller, not necessarily finer details of the everyday mundane. Here’s to another list of petite, open-hearted joys, the moments that’ve brought and woven poetry to my days, this fortnight:

一. Receiving a peace lily from my colleague and friend; I’ll miss her so much.

二. An evening BBQ party at ours. My niece called me a fairy princess and it was pretty much the best day ever.

三. When things slot effortlessly into place. It’s made a welcome change from meticulously planning every little thing and constantly having to think ahead.

四. I spent an afternoon at my friend Amelia’s place with some of her girls and we had the BEST time. We chatted, painted, and it was so much fun. Endlessly grateful for friends you’ve known forever helping you meet new friends.

五. A particularly cosy evening indoors hunting 15 Koroks in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I bought myself a bubble tea, and knuckled down for a few hours and it was SO relaxing.

六. That feeling when you get stuck in to a great anime. Your girl started and finished Dr. STONE this week and I loved it.

七. Hanging out with Dad. It’s not lost on me how lucky I am to have him.

八. At-home gaming days, with their back against my legs.

九. Seeing my new desk set-up come together! I just love how cute, functional and ‘me’ it is.

十. Signing off two big projects over at & Chai with my sister Louise. This is just the beginning for us; candle season and autumn is going to be so much fun and we can’t wait to have you along for the ride.

What’re some of your little joys, lately?

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