A Recipe for A Sunday Reset

I recently started sharing my Sunday reset routines on Instagram. Often this falls late afternoon, when I’ve already completed much of it and am winding down. I always receive DMs from you, too, admiring the feeling you get from seeing the Stories. But the feeling I get from the rituals is far better. It leaves me feeling energised, inspired and, best of all, prepared for the week ahead.

Although it may seem boring or unachievable or out of reach, I think my Sunday reset is one of the best parts of my week. This routine is the biggest – possibly only – stretch of me time that I get, and I’m so glad that I took several months to build this valuable ritual.

Mornings with my boyfriend

More often than not, weekends are spent at my boyfriend’s place. He works on a Sunday night and so our Sunday mornings are always a treasured time for me. Whether we have breakfast at bed or head out for a little walk, I love starting Sunday with quality time together. Somehow he always helps to quell my worries about the week ahead and gives me a great confidence boost without even realising it!

Meal plan and grocery shop

Key to a good week is making sure I’ve got a fridge and cupboards stocked with healthy, filling food. Take some time to meal plan, write out a comprehensive shopping list, and head out to pick up the groceries. Feeling motivated? Go ahead and batch cook your meals, saving you valuable time throughout the week.

Plan for the week and journal

How could I not include this? Grab your weekly planner of choice and plot in everything. And I mean everything. Work shifts, grocery deliveries, gym classes, coffee dates, dinner reservations… Put them all in, so your mind is in touch with what’s on the agenda. As I’m still in the habit of bullet journalling, I take 10-15 minutes to set up my weekly and then, if needed, I’ll do some long-form writing too to unload any miscellaneous thoughts before a fresh week begins.

Take an at-home Pilates class

One of my 2023 goals this year was to practice Pilates weekly – or fortnightly, if needed – and I’m happy to say I’ve maintained the habit. In fact, it’s become one of my favourite Sunday evening rituals. I’m no longer taking classes as a studio, but the PilatesBodyRaven YouTube videos do just as good a job, in my opinion. Moving my body in a low-impact way has been a brilliant way to close a week.

Big shower

I love to start the week feeling fresh, and that involves the Big Shower™. You know the one: double-cleanse, exfoliate, hair wash, conditioner and hair mask. It’s time to draw out the big guns with the Sunday night shower.

Pack for work

While my in-office days are Tuesday and Wednesdays, packing your bag the evening before work makes a big difference. There’s nothing worse than embarking on your commute only to realise you left your notebook/hand sanitiser/umbrella in your other bag. Plan and prep ahead of time, and you’ll instantly feel more put-together.

What will you be adding to your Sunday reset routine?

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