Hello 2024
Happy New Year, my loves!
I am always really excited to take a few moments on the 1st January every year to welcome in the New Year on Daisybutter. While, in recent years, I have become the sort of person to enjoy every month, every season, and get cracking with new habits and ‘starts’ immediately, I do so love the fresh start of a new year.

We had a lovely Christmas. It was quiet and understated, since there are no small children in my immediate family, and it felt like the nicest way to close out the year. 2023 was full of the good things, but it was undoubtedly hard in many ways. I’m really looking forward to 2024. I also wanted to take a moment to say a huge ‘thank you!’ to every one of you that still checks in here. I must admit that blogging has fallen a little to the wayside in recent months as I decide how much and what I’m comfortable sharing, but I am so grateful for our community.
2024 feels like a fun, clean slate, full of promise. I’ve finally let myself take ‘Buy a house’ off the goals list, because it was a) disheartening, b) unrealistic, and c) weighing heavily on me like some mental baggage. But, with that load off my mind, I’m now SO excited to see what the year holds.
Celebrate 33
I’ll be turning 33 this year and I’m looking forward to it, gratefully getting older. I’m not really one for birthday celebrations (too much attention on me) but I’d quite like to make proper plans this time around. Dinner with my girls, quality time with my boyfriend, and maybe a fun day out with my sister.
Write my book
Last week, I finished my Open University fiction writing course and, of course, I am now itching to get properly started with my novel. I’ve written (and shelved) one non-fiction, and tried to get going with a few fiction stories, in the last few years but now I feel like I have the tools and the mindset – and hopefully the words, too – to make something of this story I’ve had in my mind for months. It might mean fewer blog posts and a quieter social media presence, but it’ll be worth it, I’m sure.
Maintain and elevate my fitness regime
I am so happy with how my fitness regime has supplemented my health, physical strength, wellbeing and aesthetic goals recently. I focused on these for eight or nine months in 2023, but I also know that there’s more I could do. So, I’m happily doing that. I want to continue with my gym workout split, but also add in:
- Pilates class once a week (this was the core of my pre-pandemic routines!)
- Consistent cardio (I always find an excuse…!)
- Fewer meals out
- Heavier progressive overloads.

Focus my reading a little further
It’s no secret at all that I’ve been deep into my reading era for a few years now. However, I could definitely be more focused so that I can get to ‘all of the books I want to read’. In 2024, I want to keep to a more formal to-be-read list, which should help with my huge backlist! There are specific titles and authors I’d like to get ‘round to and, of course, it means I can share what I plan to read with you all, in case anyone fancies a buddy read. Stay tuned on @daisybutterbookcafe.
Travel ‘home’
It’s been several years since I visited my second homes in the shape of Hong Kong and Malaysia. I miss both countries dearly, but my family even more. My boyfriend and I are planning a trip later this year and we are SO excited! We’re hoping to squeeze in a bonus mini trip, too, while we’re over in East Asia.
Film another ‘1 Second A Day’ video
I last did this back in 2017, before the trend started up on Instagram and TikTok, and it was one of the best things I did. I’m actually not huge on video content at all, yet I watch back personal videos all the time. For 2024, I’m determined to create another.
Stick to my book-buying ban
I mentioned this briefly on my bookstagram, but I’ve implemented a book-buying ban on myself until July 2024 or when I finish reading everything that’s on my currently-owned TBR shelf. In December, I counted up all of the books I own and haven’t read, and it lurked at about 62 books. Eek! So, I’m not allowed to purchase anything at all until I’ve at least attempted all of these. I think some of these could end up being DNF titles, but I can easily go book-less for several months, even at the speedy pace that I read.
Eat out less
Part and parcel of ‘being online’ is that you open yourself to waves of criticism from all corners, and I’m always happy to take on criticism and genuine suggestions. At one point last summer, I was getting plenty of messages from people calling me out for ‘eating out all the time’. Heck! It’s summer! I haven’t seen my friends in weeks and months! Of course, this resolution isn’t really tied to that. I still plan to see friends and eat, but I’d like to drastically reduce going out for average meals. Instead, I’ll support more local independents and only really ‘eat out’ if it’s for a social occasion.
Try at least one new recipe a month
I cook from scratch around 9-10 times a week, if you count lunches and dinners. But I’ve definitely fallen into a routine – which is good! – and I rarely attempt new recipes, despite saving hundreds in my bookmarks, Pinterest folder and Instagram Saved. I’d like to try at least one new recipe a month, and discover some new signature Mish dishes.
Of course I have plenty of other goals on my radar, but these are the ones I thought you’d all be most interested in – I always love seeing our community’s collective goals. Something that I’ve learned about myself over the years is that sharing or writing my goals always helps me to achieve them. Even though I don’t have many concrete plans in 2024, I have faith that it’ll bring me plenty of good things. Less is more is certainly a big theme for me these days.
Happy 2024, friends! May this be a happy, healthy, soulful and inspiring year for us all.