Sundaze 59

Hello Sunday, and a very happy Bank Holiday weekend to you!
I can hardly believe that August is almost completely done and dusted; we’re on the brink of September and the air is already delicious with crispness, the promise of brand new stationery and of a cosy autumn to contend with. I’m bloody excited.
This weekend has been the ultimate in chill at Chez Chai, like it often is. My brother has been out tinkering with his car, my sister and I shopping the town dry and my parents enjoying some deserved downtime. Milo has been the little bundle of craziness that he always is, dashing this way and that in the garden with another case of the zoomies. Hearty meals of lentil balls over courgetti, couscous bowls topped with halloumi and little triangles of watermelon have been the menu of choice. This pair and a spare of days has certainly been good to us.
A Day A Week In London
I’m working down in London once a week at the moment. I recently took on a new client who are an absolute dream to work for and I’ve been enjoying getting back in the rhythm of commuting and finding the best spot on the platform and all of that other mundane stuff. I revelled in ordering on UberEats for the first time since my boyfriend moved out of London and got myself a vegan tofu banh mi. It’s all going great. It does mean I’ve been a little absent from my blog and social platforms but I’m hoping to take some time this evening to get my affairs in order. All good in the hood.
The Return of Taylor Swift
My girl Taylor is back with a new track and she’s stirring up quite the controversy! I’ve been a loyal Taylor Swift fan since I was 17 and I honestly, hand on heart, don’t plan on changing that anytime soon. Whilst she can be a little ‘problematic’ at times, she’s only human and she’s doing her best. I think the media’s portrayal of her as first a man-eater of some sort to a Disney-star-turned-cool and then as a ‘snake’ has been unfair at best, but I’ll admit she could do better with regards to diversity and taking back control of feminism without exploiting it for her brand. I could talk for hours on end about why I adore Taylor but I won’t. Having said that, I’ll put my hands up now and admit that I don’t really like the new track. I never like her pre-releases, but I do have every faith that her sixth studio album – Reputation – will be incredible.
PS. Taylor was never a child Disney star. And she has more songs than Blank Space. Over and out.
Escapades with Louise
I haven’t spent one-on-one time with my sister in absolutely ages and so it’s been somewhat of a treat to hang with her this weekend and watch films and eat hummus and gossip. We settled down to watch What Happened to Monday on Friday night and it blew our minds. I’d totally recommend watching that on Netflix if you haven’t already. We also went on a little sister shopping date which bore excellent fruits: new eyeliner, a new laundry basket and a bath mat! We are old before our time, I swear…
Typhoon Hato in Hong Kong
This week I’ve mostly concerned myself with Typhoon Hato in Hong Kong and Macau. I don’t think it was reported much over in this end of the globe but it was a pretty huge deal. Typhoons are scored on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being mild and 10 being a country-wide lockdown. A T8 is usually when offices close up and send you home and when I experienced that, it was already pretty terrifying. The effects of the typhoon have been pretty crazy, but thankfully my family are all fine and their homes equally fine too.
Library goodness
I joined my local library again this week and I couldn’t be more excited! I’ve been meaning to rejoin it ever since I came home from Hong Kong, if only to relieve the stress of the aching floorboards in our family home from the weight of my book collection. I’m hoping it’ll spur me on to read not only more books but a more diverse range, removing the worry of me ‘wasting’ money on a book that I don’t want to keep. I’ve just finished reading Elijah’s Mermaid by Essie Fox – hence the late publishing of this post. I found to be a truly intoxicating read, full of rich, evocative imagery and running dark themes laced with brothels, mermaids, obsession and other such intensities. Underpinned with gothic Victorian themes, I would totally recommend this if you’re into historical fiction and are after an early autumn read.
How has your week been?
Links I’ve Loved
- Are you subscribed to my fortnightly Daisybutter Coffee Club newsletter? If not, be sure to sign up right here! Once every two weeks, I provide bonus content (usually a lengthy article that doesn’t quite fit on the blog), free downloadables, some links to older posts you may not have seen and a handy round-up of shopping discounts.
- I really enjoyed this post on The Everygirl about why your career doesn’t define your identity. I have many thoughts on this myself that perhaps I write about another day.
- These Primark finds over on Hayley’s blog are totally whetting my interiors whistle.
- Lily’s beautiful blog Pint Sized Beauty is one of my favourites and this post about dreamy makeup pairings was such an interesting read!
- I’m borderline obsessed with this adorable top and it might just be making its’ way into my wardrobe.
- Jenn Im, the girl behind Clothes Encounters on YouTube, launched her clothing line Eggie and it is ADORABLE.
- I’m now posting weekly blog posts to my business website and here is the latest one.
Posts This Week
- The Art of Styling A Trench Coat
- My Current Double-Cleanse Duet
- Let’s Fight The ‘Being Busy’ Norm
- The Workout Routine (and Wear!) That Works For Me
What I’m Coveting