Sundaze 127

So, funny story: I sat down to write this post three hours ago. It’s now 12:16am and all I’ve accomplished is fixing some broken links, watching 11 YouTube videos, and charging my new mouse.

You really can have it all, but not at the same time!

This week has been much the same as the last. I feel exhausted. I know I desperately need a break and a holiday, but it isn’t the right time. I’m working on a huge launch with one of my contracted clients that I’m desperate to see through. So, for now, daily exhaustion awaits.

August inspiration

After a lifetime of proclaiming summer isn’t my jam, it turns out that it really is (my jam)! Trains are quieter because a huge batch of commuters are on holiday, and I feel so creatively inspired. Last weekend I spent six hours shooting some content for the blog and Instagram, and this weekend I’ve been planning more.

There’s something about lighter, warmer evenings that just gets those creative juices running. I’m mostly inspired by lo-fi doodles, golden hour, tap-tapping rain and books, glorious books, right now.

A top tip to spark creativity? Make lists of random things. Your favourite dresses. Places to visit. Places you’ve visited. Scribble them down at speed and after some time, you’ll find an idea has nestled in your mind.

Grow & Glow

After much dithering, I’ve finally joined Vix’s Grow & Glow community!

The community is designed for bloggers and creatives, and is a hub jammed with advice, tips and hands-on resources to grow your blog and make it glow. Although I feel super aligned with my content, vision and where I want Daisybutter to go, I do feel like a piece of the puzzle is missing.

I asked my followers on Instagram a series of questions to help hone in on what I create online and it’s been so useful. Don’t worry, there won’t be many huge changes, just a tighter focus on the content I love to produce. Can’t wait to delve into another round of training soon!

You can join Grow & Glow via their website.

A picnic with the Dream Team

Back when blogging was a budding industry, a group of bloggers and I organised the London Bloggers’ Picnic in Hyde Park way back in 2012. We brought our own food and drink, played games and successfully predicted (or set!) a pineapple trend. Those girls are now some of my best friends!

Seven years later, on Saturday, Hannah, Sarah, Sophie, Elodie and I reinstated the bloggers’ picnic just for us (the first time, it ended up being HUGE!) and had the best time. I made my now-infamous panzanella and vegan sausage rolls; Hannah made vegan open-faced rye sandwiches; Sophie baked. And we braced gale-force winds to catch up, gossip and plot and plan.

If there’s one thing you do with the remainder of summer, make it packing a blanket and some food and spending some time with your girls.

Links I’ve Loved

Posts This Week

How was your week? Tell me something that happened to you or that really put a smile on your face!

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