
The Nintendo 3DS XL Debriefed

While I’ve been a semi-loyal Nintendo girl since the tender age of about 5 years old when Pokemon Red landed in my toybox, the Nintendo 3DS XL didn’t stand out to me when first released. A little too big, I thought, now that I’d become a fully-fledged human often toting a handbag in the crook of my arm and found in a fashion office for the vast majority of my day.

I recently worked with Nintendo on a series of Animal Crossing: New Leaf posts, and also played the Style Boutique game earlier in the year, and am now a full convert. Move aside sleek white DS Lite.

Daisybutter - UK Style and Fashion Blog: Nintendo 3DS XL review
Daisybutter - UK Style and Fashion Blog: Nintendo 3DS XL review
Daisybutter - UK Style and Fashion Blog: Nintendo 3DS XL review
Nintendo 3DS XL, RRP £140. Available on Amazon.

First and foremost, its aesthetic. Well, I am writing this on a fashion blog, right? The Nintendo 3DS XL boasts two 4.88″ screens – one a stereoscopic 3D display, and the other a touchscreen. The novelty 3D screen can be adjusted with an inbuilt depth slider, a great feature because a bumpy commute and the 3D screen aren’t always the greatest combination.

Additionally, the WiFi switch is on the same side. From a usability perspective, this makes the console feel intuitive and easy to use. The Nintendo 3DS XL is also equipped with motion and gyro sensors, opening the console up to a whole new world of gaming horizons. Whether you’re moving from side to side or tilting your screen, the game looks great – just imagine playing Mario Kart! Additionally, it has a built-in pedometer that kicks in even when the 3DS XL is in Sleep Mode. The steps rack up to collect coins that you can redeem on selected games.

Daisybutter - UK Style and Fashion Blog: Nintendo 3DS XL review
Daisybutter - UK Style and Fashion Blog: Nintendo 3DS XL review

The Nintendo 3DS XL also has a standard analogue control and bonus circle pad. So much easier to catch bugs and fish in Animal Crossing now! Finally, another thing to note is the 3D camera which I am quite simply fascinated with. How, does that bad boy work?! Nice nonetheless, but I can’t decide how to use all of those pixelated snaps…

Overall, I’m a 3DS XL convert. I confess. It resides either in my home office (slap on the wrist), on my bedside table or in my handbag, and I probably play on it at least six days a week. The Wi-Fi capability paired with Friend Codes and Nintendo community capabilities means it is super social – great for us bloggers. I couldn’t recommend it enough for both seasoned gamers and those who are looking for something to pass time away this summer. ♥

Disclaimer: I was gifted my Nintendo 3DS XL in order to review Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I have not been paid to write this additional post about my console, I just thought it’d be useful as so many of you are considering picking one up for some New Leaf action!

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