Sundaze 282: Snow, our first makers’ market and slowly planning

Happy Sundaze, my loves!

This weekend’s Sundaze comes at you a few hours late, since I’m freshly home from a packed pair of days. I’m truly shattered after the busiest period of work, pre-holiday prep, and holding & Chai’s first-ever market. But it’s quite nice to reflect on the week that was, and hold some gratitude in my heart for everything I get to do. I really am so lucky. Last night, my boyfriend and I even went to our favourite Japanese restaurant for a celebratory sushi feast!

First snow

We experienced our first snow this week, here in Hertfordshire! It was unexpected and utterly magical and I think I might even be slowly feeling festive. Even though it made my morning commute a little more difficult, it was quite lovely to slow down, lean into the delay and soak up the pretty flurry of snowflakes as I blared some Taylor Swift – of course – from my car speakers, and popped my heated seat and steering wheel on.

& Chai and our first makers’ market

Yesterday, my sister and I drove to Leighton Buzzard to take part in & Chai’s first-ever makers’ market experience. We are incredibly shy and introverted IRL, so this really felt like a huge step forward. I loved planning the décor and setup, and it was really lovely to sell our handmade creations to people in-person.

Huge huge thanks to Rachelle, who runs Parents for the Future, for inviting us along, because we wouldn’t have done it without her invitation and encouragement. One of our little small-biz goals this year was to go to one (1) craft market, and we did it Joe! Next year? We want to hit up three markets. Thank you, too, to all of you that sent us encouraging messages and liked all of our posts and Stories. I’m really grateful.

More house planning

My boyfriend and I are deep in the throes of planning for our home now. It’s so exciting, and the rooms are slowly coming together (in our heads at least). Now to hunt for interior gems and bring our vision to life! Plus, it being Black Friday season definitely helps.

Links I’ve Loved

  • I love seeing other content creators’ take on my long-standing ‘Open-hearted joys’ or ‘Petite joys’ series, and Michelle’s is no exception. It’s the perfect addition to her cosy, kawaii lifestyle blog.
  • Ella is one of my new faves over on Substack, and her from-the-heart post this week really struck a chord with me.
  • The old-school blogger in me loves these birthday reflection posts, and Lenne shared hers ahead of turning 28. Happy birthday Lenne!
  • Liz reviews two feminist books on her book blog during Non-fiction November. I really rate Liz’s reviews and bookish opinions, and always come away with an excellent recommendation.
  • I picked up a pair of these gorgeous heart-pocket jeans! They’re made using BCI Member cotton with labels made from recycled plastic bottles.
  • And these rechargeable lamps are on our home wishlist.

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